Why a Class”C” RV


Why a Class "C" RV? Over my years of RVing I have come to love the under appreciated Class "C" RV.  The Class "C" is one of the most versatile, affordable, and repairable RV's on the market. These RV's often come with the same type of amenities that their bigger cousins the Class "A" have but on a slightly smaller scale in terms of space and luxury. These RV's are the family camper and can certainly be used by RV'ers with no kids as is in our case. Realistically speaking if you are a typical middle class family or couple, price will be of concern. Class "A"s cost so much more than a Class "C"s and often start at $100,000 for a used one and new can typically start around $150,000.00 and go up from there. Also Class "A"s are much bigger than Class "C"s typically starting around 30' to 34' feet, and growing up to 45'ft where as a Class "C" size maxes out at 32' feet and can be found as small as 20' feet.

The engine is also a concern, though you can find Class "A"s with Gas engines most are powered by diesel, which makes getting repairs or maintenance done just a little bit harder. Diesel mechanics are sparsely located around the country and often charge much more than their gas counterparts.  Where as with a Class "C" these RV's are typically built on a Ford chassis using the E450 model which makes finding a mechanic to work on the RV much easier as any ford dealership will do.

When it comes to travel, I find the Class "C"'s to travel nicely but certain modifications will make the ride so much more enjoyable. Certainly Class "A"'s corner the market on driving comfort, but the Class "C" is a very close second these days.  Certainly spending the money on anti-sway and stabilizer bars, possibly better shocks and adding more leaf springs will make a Class "C" drive like a Class "A", but this all costs money; but it can be worth it in the end, especially when you consider you will have this RV for at least 10 years if not more.  Also safety is much better in a Class "C" then in a Class "A". Since a Class "C" is typically built on the Ford E450 Chassis, which is a Van body, it will come with all of the safety features of a standard vehicle, like air bags. Also the big engine upfront offers significant protection in the event of a head on collision, the same can not be said for a Class "A" Finally, because a Class "C" is built on a Van body driving this RV is like driving a U-haul truck, easy, responsive and your view is at ground level, which makes estimating distances much easier.

The last thing I like about Class "C"s are their size. With most campgrounds, and were talking Provincial and Federal parks the sites are some what restrictive of size, especially in the Federal campgrounds. A 45'foot Class "A" is just not going to fit in most of these campsites, and if you do find a site that will fit you it is typically in the overflow areas of the campground. Whereas a 32' foot Class "C" will fit into most campsites both Federally and Provincially. I have come across some campgrounds that are restricted to 25' / 26' feet but those are not that common and typically are Federal campgrounds.

I believe when you consider all of the variables in both Classes of RV's the Class "C" comes out on top for affordability, safety, convenience, drive-ability, repair-ability, and amenities that wont take you to the cleaners.

Happy Trails

The Glampurs