Well fall is here, that was quick!

Final 1

HI Everyone,

Well fall is here, that was quick! First off let me apologize for not writing earlier than this; you see I have been sick. I was sick for the whole month of September. It was terrible, I became sick while on the last camping trip of our season. It was at Medicine Lake of all places and boy was I sick. I came down with an infection on August 31st My Left leg blew up like a clown balloon. I had a fever hot and cold chills and the sweats. It was so bad that I could hardly walk and spent my entire time at Medicine Lake in Bed. I was very lucky that our friends also came up to Medicine Lake to camp with us so when they arrived I ask my buddy to take me to the hospital in Rocky MT House, where they had a small hospital. He was able to do that as he has a Travel Trailer. So once they unhooked off we went. The doctor diagnosed me with an infection and put me on antibiotics, and told me to go home and rest. Well Home was a long ways away so the next best thing was back to the RV. I lasted another four days laid up in bed in the RV before I said to Lorraine I need to go home. So in my week state I managed to pack us up, with Lorraine’s help and off we went back home.

I spent another week in bed and things were not getting any better. In fact they got worse. I was so sick that I could hardly get out of bed not to mention, I am not really too sure how I got us home. The body aches, joint pain, fever, chills and sweats were just the end of me. It looked like I had Covid. Or so I thought. So I booked an appointment and off I went to get tested. Well that was a bust! Three days later I got the results and they were negative. Negative! Yes this was good news, but it put me back to square one, so off to the doctor’s again I went. The Doctor figured that I was fighting a flu virus or something similar and that the swollen leg was a separate infection. So I was fighting two infections? Wow what a fight I was up against. Luckily whatever I had did not go into my chest and cause me breathing problems. I was very thankful for that, but the rest of it was well…Hell!  No matter what I did or took my body was in a battle and it was hard to do much of anything. I spent all of September working from home, when I could get out of bed, and when I could not sit any longer at the computer it was back to bed with me.

It was not until September 23rd that all of a sudden I started to feel better. The swelling in my leg went down and the chills and fever broke. But I still had joint pain but no more body aches. Yeah! It took another week before I was cured, and able to go back to the office. Wow what a slug fest and a horrible September for me!

Now it is October and it is time to put the RV to bed. It has sat in the driveway since we got back from Medicine Lake and we have done very little to it since then. So it will be cleaning and flushing and winterizing this coming weekend. The weather here in Calgary has been phenomenal! Warm late summer weather all through September and now in to October, so before it all changes I am going to take advantage of it to get my winterizing done before the weather turns cold; which it will be very soon.

So that was how the end of my summer played out. Not a great way to enjoy the last vestiges of warm weather and back country beauty but it is what it is. So now I must catch up on my chores and get busy winterizing the RV and the homestead as I hear when it comes, winter will be ugly for us this year. They are predicting cold temperatures and lots of snow! Which in my twisted way of celebrating winter will be both good and bad. I will not look forward to motoring around the city and going to work in the cold, but boy will I love the snow when I hit the slopes on the weekends.

How is Finny you may ask? Well Finny the dog is doing fantastic. He is such a teenager and we love him to death. Finny has really changed since we got him back at the end of May. He has settled in to his new home with his new people and has really calmed down a lot. He was really out of control when we first got him, but now he is a calm respectful dog that loves his walks and play time with me. He loves to cuddle on the couch with Lorraine or sit in my lap and be loved. When it is time for bed my teenage dog is ready to jump into his spot on the bed by 9pm and of course he has to bring all of his toys with him.

One funny thing that has come up since the days are getting shorter is that Finny has decided that he is not getting out of bed to go for his morning walks anymore.  He sits there on the bed and growls’ at me when I try to get him up. Lorraine and I figure that he does not like the dark mornings, boy is he going to get a surprise in a couple of months when it is dark all the time!  Ha! Ha!

Another question you may have is how was my brother’s wedding? Well it went off better than any of us could have imagined! It was certainly a redneck wedding but boy was it fun. I will describe what happened in another post and I hope to have it up shorty. Remember I am still catching up on all of my postponed duties.

Well that is it for now I leave here with a few pictures from the river showing the beautiful fall colours I get to see every day as I walk Finn and play fetch with him at the river.

Happy trails,

The Glampurs


This plant was in full bloom as I walked past it today. This is unusual for October.


Finny got away from me as I was deep in thought as we walked past the mud pit. Well guess who took advantage! Ha! Ha!


The Bow River. Finny and I have been walking this since he joined our family.


One Day while we were walking the river to our favorite swimming spot, we came across this Blue Heron.  For awhile Finn let this beautiful bird alone but eventually temptation was too great and he chased it away, but not before I got a couple of pics.


Last but not least, Lorraine and Finny enjoying a sunny evening on the backyard swing.