Welcome to the Lord of the Rings and this is the home of the Ents. If you never saw Lord of the Rings or read the books then the Ents are mythical living trees. They move and they talk. Walking these trails you could swear that Ents exist. This forest is magical! The Trees are engaging and draw you in where they envelope you in there magic and let you experience their story.

Now these trees may be magical but they are not invincible. These trees do fall and while walking the forest you should always be aware of that. This sign reminds visitors of this fact.

The plaque celebrates the contributions that David Douglas accomplished for the field of Botany. The reason this plaque is important here is that he identified the Douglas fir tree, which is the predominant tree in Cathedral Grove.

As you enter the forest you are guided around by this interpretive trail. along the way you will find interpretive signs telling you about the area you are in.

The lushness of the area really strikes you, Beauty everywhere, and green assaults the senses. Certainly as you walk the trail you must wonder how anyone could of explored this forest.

The dense forest really presents an almost impenetrable barrier to a traveler. Certainly the shear size of this rain forest must of been daunting to the explorers of old.

When you look up it seems that the trees go on forever they are so tall.

On this trip we took my Mom out to see the trees. She was amazed at how big this particular one was and had to explore.

Proof, that these old giants do fall, and I bet when they do, they certainly make a noise in the forest, even if no one is here to hear it.

Well it was selfie time with Mom and of course the dogs. Pepper and Annie were happy to be out with us, as the drive up was rather hot. The trees offered a natural air-conditioning to cool us all off.

Of course I could not leave Lorraine out of the Selfie meilie and Annie is always up for a photo, so one more time for the camera.

Around every corner on this magical walk you find beauty. Every tree is its own masterpiece and is beautifully on display with in this incredible forest.

Another dog lover pic and of course you can't help but love my Mom and Lorraine; but look beyond them at the size of the tree behind them. This was one of the largest trees in the forest and it must of been over 800 or 1000 years old.

If the trees were not beautiful enough we came across this small idyllic lake hidden within the trees and surrounded by them on all sides. Protected and revered by the very trees it nourishes. As you stare into the this hypnotic picture it becomes easy to believe that Ents live here.
Happy Trails
The Glampurs