Welcome to Kikomun Creek Campground. This campground is located on the shores of Lake koocanusa. This lake is shared by both Canada and the United States so there is an international boundary running through the middle of the lake. This is important to know if you are out boating on this lake. Kikomun creek is located 41.5km from the town of Fernie. The turn off for this campground is on Hwy 3 at the Elko Junction. Turn right and travel 10 min or 11.6km to the campground. This campground is a big rig friendly zone.

Kikomun Creek is a big campground with three spread out loops; Surveyors, Ponderosa, and Kalispell. The biggest loop Surveyors has 104 sites to choose from and is typically filled with families and children. This is because the campground is located next to surveyors lake which has a really nice kid friendly beach that can be walked to from any campsite in this loop. This loop also has a playground, showers, amphitheater, and flush toilets, but no electrical. This loop is also the shadiest and offers the most privacy among all the campsites. It also borders Hidden lake, which we will talk about later on.
The next loop is Ponderosa, this loop has 36 sites and is located on the shores of Lake Koocanusa with seven lakefront campsites. There are showers and flush toilets, a group campground, and camp cabins to stay in if you don't have an RV. There is electrical in the middle sites on the loop, but they are little more than a pad, a post, and a fire ring. I think this campground is one of the nicest, especially if you get one of the lakefront campsites.
Finally, Kalispell loop is a 30 site campground down by the boat launch for lake Koocanusa. This campsite is for first come first serve campers only. The campground itself is somewhat open with little privacy between sites. This loop is the most rustic of the three with no showers or flush toilets.

As you travel the campground access road, you will come upon this cute sign just past the sani-dump warning you to beware of turtles. Kikomun Creek is one of the few places were Painted brown turtles live. They are a protected and endangered species so the park takes conservation efforts for these turtles very seriously.

As you drive down the access road you will eventually come to the Ponderosa Campground sign. Turn right and continue on down the road.

Now the Ponderosa loop has 36 sites with two of them being camping cabins. There are seven lakefront campsites, 12 regular campsites, two roadside campsites, and two dual campsites. All Electrical sites are in the middle of the loop and there are ten of those.

As with all the loops there is an excellent road system that is big rig friendly. All roads are paved and there are no tight turn radiuses any where in the park.

The Campsites here are out in the open and do not have much shade. There are trees scattered throughout the loop that help out some campsites but not all. So on Sunny days your rig may get rather hot inside.

We have had a regular back lot campsite and a lake front campsite while staying in Ponderosa. Site 32-35 are some of the nicest backlot campsites in the loop, and you can't go wrong with any of the lakefront campsites, as all of them have exceptional views of Lake Koocanusa.

This lakefront campsite offered great space, some shade and exceptional views of the lake in front of us.

Here is what we looked at for the six days we were here.

A beautiful view from our campsite to enjoy day after day. One thing we came to appreciate about this campground was the different views and perspectives you got of the lake as the day went from sunrise to sunset. On our first night in the campground we found out that we had the perfect vantage point to witness..

Some of the most incredible sunsets I have ever seen. Night after night while we were here we were treated to one incredible sunset after another.

The colours of the setting sun were just mesmerizing! Incredible shades and hues of red orange and pink, and to think this show was free every night to watch.

The next day we hiked up to Hidden lake. Hidden lake is a magical little lake nestled into the campground by Surveyors loop. It is surrounded by forest on all sides and is accessible by trails leading to it from the main access road and Surveyors campground. The lake has a trail that circumnavigates it and offers great vantage points in which to watch the main residents of the lake.

The lake is rather large and is beautiful in its own right. Deep Blue water offers a serene scene in which to contemplate life's little journeys.

As you walk around the lake you will come across vantage points that over look dead wood. This dead wood is perfect for the turtles to sunbathe on.

Here as I described is an excellent example of turtles chilling in the sun. there must of been twenty turtles all lined up on this deadwood sunning themselves. Carefree and no worries at all.
Now these turtles are protected and you are not allowed to disturb them while they go about their ways. So while walking the lake trail stay on the paths,and keep dogs on leashes. It is a hefty fine if you are caught disturbing these turtles.

Now the Turtles are not always out in the open when you visit Hidden lake. sometimes they are hidden from view in the mud and waters of the lake. If you are in the campground for any length of time a daily visit to the lake will produce results and allow you to see these cute creatures.

Here was one little guy who managed to find a log all to himself. He was certainly enjoying his space and time suntanning

Kikomun Creek campground is Hot in the summer. The campground itself is very arid. After our walk around Hidden Lake Annie was done and retreated under the RV to find some needed relief from the heat and sun.

Meanwhile inside, Fusa the cat seemed to be dealing with the heat fairly well. She would hide under the front cab seats and come out and climb up into the upper birth to eat, or in this case socialize for a treat.

Another day over and another sunset to watch. the Glampurs are happy, contented and as always deeply in love with one another.

What a treat Kikomun kept giving us, Incredibly spectacular sunsets day after day. This one though was definitely for the memory book! Could mother nature top this? Take a look at the sunset from our last night at Kikomun, the colours of the next two pictures rival any painters canvas.

Our last night, and mother nature decided to give us a farewell memory of how beautiful, and wonderful our world can be if you only go looking for it.
Happy Trails
the Glampurs
Nuts & Bolts
Kikomun Creek is a big rig friendly campground with three loops to choose from. Two of the loops are reservation only with third loop dedicated to first come first serve. There are some services and amenities located in these campgrounds. Each loop offers its own set of services. Flush toilets showers and potable water can be found in two of the loops with the third loop only having pit toilets but next to the boat launch. Electrical is offered in Ponderosa loop only and there are only 10 sites to choose from. The campground does have a centrally located sani-dump with potable water available and it will cost $5.00 to dump. Firewood is available for purchase at the front gate. Cell Service was good throughout the park and a cell booster really brought in the signal. Generators can be oppertated but only between the hours of 8am to 9:30am and 5pm to 7pm. A night here will cost $35/night and electrical site will put you back $40/night. Reservations are recommended as this is a popular destination. Reservations can be made here: