A Glampur’s Wedding – New

Final 1

A Glampurs Wedding...

Steve & Lorraine | Married

On July 28th 2019 at 3am Life began to change. It was at this time that Lorraine and I woke up and began getting ready to leave for Vancouver Island. 2 1\2 hours later we were ready to hit the road and begin our journey into our new life. All the months of planning and prepping were now coming together and like two excited kids on Christmas day, though a bit sleepy at this time of the morning we headed off towards our day in the sun and our wedding day.

The trip first took us through the Canadian Rockies along Hwy 1 the TransCanada, off towards Kamloops BC. It was here that we would have our first stop along the way to rest in a beautiful campground near the summit of the Coquihalla Hwy (Hwy 5 BC).



Once we arrived at Lac Le Jeune both Lorraine and I were pretty spent from our 12 hours on the Road, So we planted our flag, and got some basic gear unpacked like our recliner chairs. Now it was time to sit back with a beverage and contemplate our journey to this point and talk about what lay ahead for us.


As I tried to Talk about what lay ahead,  Lorraine poo pooed my talk with one word..



We stayed at Lac Le Jeune for two nights, it was a safe oasis where we prepared ourselves for the next part of the journey, as well as mentally prepared ourselves for what was surely to be a very busy 6 days on Vancouver Island, getting ready for our wedding and dealing with Family and friends.

Hosting a party in itself can be very stressful, trying to get everything prepared, in its place, tidying up the house and laying out the food. Now put a wedding on top of all of that and hosting out of an RV, and you have a crazy ride up to the time the first guest arrives. Thank fully we had family to help out.

July 30th was our next travel day and off we went early in the morning, 6:30am to be exact we hit the road and left the tranquil park of Lac Le Jeune. Of course our departure was not without controversy. As we prepped to leave we obviously had to make some noise. Now we are always pretty cognizant of other people and the times that we like to leave in the mornings so we do our best to be as quite as possible while we pack up and get out of dodge. With our site packed up and the RV ready to move, it was time to start our engines and move out onto the roadway and hook up our toad and trailer and be on our way. IT was at this time that we had an encounter with one of our neighbors whom we woke up when we began to hook up. Needless to say he was very upset with us and tried his hardest to make us feel terrible that we had woken him up and possibly his kids too. Now this family was using a Travel trailer and tents to house their clan, but while this man was berating us for making noise at 6:30am he seemed to forget that his clan was up late making noise that kept us up for hours before we could get to sleep the night before. But on this morning I decided to take the high road and I listened to this man berate me while I hooked up our toad, I then said I was sorry and bid him a good day. I took the high road instead of arguing with him over who made the most noise and who disrupted who the most.


Now the last time I left Lac Le Jeune Lorraine and I were in our old RV the 26 ft Vanguard that we called Jem. Back then all appeared well for departure until I hit the hwy and my awning unfurled while racing down the road at 100km/hr (See my post Mistakes I made along the way). Needless to say I made double sure this time that this mistake would not repeat itself. Of course the last time around I was hung over and that is, and was my excuse for forgetting to lock the awning in place; so you bet the awning was packed away and locked up tight this time around. Our drive to the coast was rather uneventful, it is a nice drive with lots of scenery changes throughout. It took us about 6 hours to make it to the ferry terminal at Horseshoe bay and the extra hour was due to construction on Hwy 1 as we entered the Vancouver area, but we were still on time for our ferry trip.


Once on the Ferry Lorraine and I took a much needed two hour break from the road and enjoyed the picturesque views from the ferry of the surrounding Salish Sea (Georgia Straight). The ferry trip to Nanaimo is a beautiful one with picturesque ocean views and beautiful coastal landscapes. The ferry is pretty big so there is a lot of space to walk around and few amenities to entertain yourself, definitely it is a place to relax before hitting the road once again.


The ferry trip overall was uneventful and we arrived at Departure Bay ferry terminal in Nanaimo on time. Since we were up near the front of the car deck we were one of the first ones off the ferry and then we were on our way to our final destination Rathtrevor Beach in Parksville BC.  The drive to Rathtrevor was only about 45min and again it was a picturesque drive along the Island Hwy. Once we arrived it was time to fill up our water tank and then a quick check in and off we went in search of our campsite.


Video Extra: Dash Cam

Arrival at Rathtrevor Beach

Now we were not sure what our campsite would be like, the booking site only had a couple of poor pictures in which to make our decision by. Initially we chose this site because it appeared to be close to washrooms and it was the last site on the loop it inhabited. Well site 14 was a very pleasant surprise, not only did we have no neighbors to the right of us, once in the site we had an unobstructed view of the old growth forest and the Salish sea beyond. The site also had more than enough space to setup chairs, tables etc. in which to host the wedding party. To say that we were relieved, excited and happy would be an understatement at this time. So once again we planted our flag


The first to arrive to meet and greet us was my Mother. To say that she was excited to see us and happy we made it, again was an understatement. The first thing after the hugs and kisses was to break out the wine and have a drink and a toast to good health and safe travels.


The next 3 days were a bit of blur as we prepped for the wedding and finalized food, decorations, videographer, Photographer and the wedding official. We also had to find a place close to our campsite to have the wedding ceremony at, and it had to be on the beach! Luckily we found a perfect spot that Lorraine liked and agreed with. Mom was with us every step of the way and my kids Zack and Steph also helped out in so many ways that I can’t thank them enough for all they did to make our special day, well... Special. Even my Ex-Wife Cindy chipped in and bought us the flowers for the wedding as a wedding gift, which was something that went beyond appreciated.

On our 4th day on the island we had our wedding rehearsal. It was perfect timing too as Lorraine’s kids and grandkids made it on to the island and were here to help and prepare for the big day. Though the day is still a blur the wedding rehearsal went well and the spot Lorraine and I had picked out was perfect. It had beautiful expansive views of the Salish Sea behind an old growth forest and in front a beautiful wooded walkway to use as our wedding aisle. Things were coming together in such a way that we never expected. For all of the stress we had prior to arriving on the Island, everything was working out as if we had planned it all perfectly; and I suppose in a way we did, and that is why it all worked out so well with no major hiccups or disasters.

Day 5 was D day! Here it was finally, our wedding day. Lorraine and I started the day normal enough with a couple of quite hours in the morning sipping our Baileys and coffee enjoying the view and allowing ourselves to wake-up slowly and gradually. Soon my mother arrived and joined us for a Baileys and coffee, something she really enjoys but only has when camping with us. Then all hell broke loose! It was time to start getting ready, and prepping our campsite for the onslaught that was soon to arrive.

Steve & Lorraine | Married

We spent a couple of hours putting out chairs setting up tables, icing coolers and picking up food from caterers and of course the wedding cake. All of the food was done by local businesses and they all did a fantastic job, especially the wedding cake. The wedding cake was a last minute addition. On the day we arrived we went to a street fair in Parksville to meet up with my daughter and son who were manning a booth at the fair for health and wellness products and services. While we were walking about I came across a booth that made custom cakes and treats. It was a small mom and pop shop but their resume was very impressive. So after some negotiations and begging, because it was a last minute request, the owner Kathy agreed to make us a cake, the only caveat was that I had to pick it up on the wedding day from her house. No Problem! I was just so happy that we were going to have a cake that I would have traveled to Vancouver to get it if I had too.  Thankfully Kathy only lived about 15 min from the campsite so as I was off getting food and balloons I also picked up the cake.

Now that all of the errands were completed it was time to get ready and dressed so off to the showers with us we went. Rathtrevor has three shower houses all dispersed on the main road equally within the campground, so we did not have far to walk to get to the shower house as it was just at the beginning of our loop. Hot running water awaited us and clean shower stalls. Once out of the bath house it was back to the RV to get dressed and await our Photographer.

At 2pm our Photographer arrived and both Lorraine and I were dressed in our finery. Me in a tux top and black cargo shorts with sandals and Lorraine in a sea foam green dress with silver sandals and accessories. We were happy! Excited! And totally in Love! So with that said off we went with the Photographer for some private couples pictures. The Photographer took us to a hidden gem within Parksville not far from the campground. It was an estuary to the Englishman River that runs through Parksville and ends up running into the Salish Sea. It was a beautiful area with old growth forest all around, large fern beds and of course the Englishman River flowing nearby.

Steve & Lorraine | Married

We spent about two hours wondering around taking pictures, posing, and generally having a very fun time just being ourselves and showing how much we loved each other for the camera. We got some great shots and began to realize what a gem we had found in our Photographer as her imagination was fantastic for selecting photo ops. Soon it was time to head back to the campground our time together having a private party was over and twas time to get back to greet our guests and finalize the party campsite.

When we arrived back at the campsite my son and daughter were there decorating the campsite and waiting for us to return. It was at that time that I was informed that I had incorrectly done up my French cuffs on my Tux shirt and left my son without any cufflinks as I had used all four of them to button up my cuffs, Silly Me! So once again my Daughter came to my rescue as she has so many times in the past and fixed my French cuffs, got my Bow tie on straight and re-pined my boutonniere on my jacket straight and secure. I am a very lucky Man to have such great kids as is Lorraine. Another hour passed and Lorraine’s kids showed up followed by my Mother and our first guest. It was time to get this show on the road.

Steve & Lorraine | Married
Steve & Lorraine | Married

Once all of the family arrived it was time to do some family pictures, so off we wondered around the campground walking the paths through the old growth forest, finding wonderful spots in which to take our pictures. Once again the Photographer really shined as she worked her magic and made all of us look our best. While we were walking around a magical deer appeared and stopped to take a look at our procession. He stopped, cocked his head, looked, and then disappeared once again into the forest that was his home. It was a perfect experience to have while we were taking our wedding photos. After that we ended up on the beach for some photos next to the sea, and it was at this time that my Brother and his partner showed up so there was a great excited reunion as I have not seen my brother in two years. This event was shaping up to be one for the memory book! It was so much fun to be surrounded by all of the people in this world that you care about and love. What a fabulous day Lorraine and I were having, better than what we could of ever imagined when she said to me a year ago let’s have a destination wedding.

Steve & Lorraine | Married

With the arrival of our first guest it was time to start hosting the show. Soon both Lorraine and I were very busy as our guests one by one showed up at our campsite. All in all we had 17 guests which I felt was pretty good for a Glampurs destination wedding. Now it was time to bring out the food and start cooking the burgers. Lorraine’s Son Graeme is an accomplished chef in his private life and offered to cook the burgers (Thank God), so I gave him my apron and off he went cooking up a storm on our Coleman grill. Everyone really appreciated his talents as the burgers were delicious, but just maybe my Mom and I had something to do with that too, as we together made the burgers earlier that morning. With dinner well under way it was time to socialize with our guests and enjoy everyone’s company. We had 3 hours to go before we would move to the beach for Lorraine’s sunset wedding. 

Steve & Lorraine | Married
Steve & Lorraine | Married

The 3 hours went quickly! It was so much fun to talk and enjoy our guests company. Some of our guests I had not seen for many years even though I had been to the Island many times in the past we just never seemed to find the time to hook up. So this event was not only our Wedding, it was somewhat of a home coming for me as most of my friends and all of my family live on the island, including my Daughter. My Son lives in Calgary so he flew down for the event so did Lorraine’s family as they live in St. Albert Alberta. So we were absolutely blessed and spoiled by our wonderful families for showing up to celebrate our special day! As we talked and socialized and ate, the sun was getting lower in the sky, and before I knew it was 8pm and the Videographer was on the door step, followed by the wedding officiant. Reluctantly I broke away from the party to help guide them both to the site of the wedding and to discuss final plans and thoughts. Once I got them all setup and everything was under control, back I went to the party to muster up everyone for the procession to the beach. First off I walked our guests down to the beach location, got them settled, and then went back to get the wedding party, and joined them in the procession to the beach.

Steve & Lorraine | Married

How nervous was I? Very! So was Lorraine, funny… We have been a couple for 11 years but tonight we were like two kids that had just been found with their hands in the cookie jar. Thank God we had our kids as our support. My Son was my Best man and Lorraine’s Daughter was her maid of honour, and her Son walked her down the aisle. Funny the one that stole the show was Lorraine’s and now my granddaughter. She is almost three and she was our ring bearer. She was totally adorable and mimicked the adults while we tried to go through our wedding ceremony without breaking up in laughter.


Steve & Lorraine | Married

As the ceremony progressed the sun settled lower in the sky so that by the end of the ceremony when Lorraine and I got to kiss for the first time as Husband and Wife the sun was setting over our shoulders; Beautiful and magical! Lorraine got the Sunset wedding that she had dreamed about for the past year. We were Happy! And in Love!

Steve & Lorraine | Married

Now the big moment was over, document signed, kisses made and witnesses bearing, we were Man and Wife, Wow! What a climatic finally.  What a Day! Now it was time to party!

The party was fantastic! So much fun and great conversations. As our two families meshed and my friends mingled; the night just seemed like it would go on forever. My Son made a very impassioned speech about how I had shaped his life and it brought tears to my eyes, and “clink” went the champagne glasses on this very special toast. Shortly after that it was time to cut the cake and enjoy. Lorraine was a little apprehensive as I told her I was going to throw cake in her face but it was a good laugh as I threatened her but did not follow through. The Cake was delicious! Since Lorraine does not like chocolate, the cake was a nice vanilla cake with awesome icing and flowers on it. Everyone enjoyed! Soon it was 10:30pm and time to wind down the party, as everyone needed to be out of the park by 11pm as they closed the gates then. So with much reluctance we said good bye to our guests and bid them farewell.

Steve & Lorraine | Married
Steve & Lorraine | Married

Whew! What a day! What a night! Both Lorraine and I were totally spent by the time we were ready for bed. If I remember it was about 1am before we went to sleep, and we had to get up somewhat early as we were hosting the Bride and Grooms breakfast, and we needed to get ready for that in the morning.

Well 8:30am came quickly and as we arose from our slumber and made our way to the front of the RV it was then that it hit us… What a mess! The RV kitchen and living room were a total disaster with clothes, and food, dirty dishes, decorations and everything else that just got thrown in to the RV at the end of the night. Then there was the outside! Cups everywhere garbage’s overflowing and just general messiness and mayhem everywhere. Well with a big Sigh Lorraine and I got busy cleaning up. She took the inside and I the outside. It took a couple of hours but by 11am we had the RV and campsite looking almost like it was when we first arrived. With pancake batter ready, bacon on the grill, and coffee and baileys on the table it was time to greet our first guest of the morning my Mother! Go Figure!

Shortly after Mom arrived we were besieged by our families, and everyone was hungry! So Off Lorraine and I went cooking pancakes and filling plates. The breakfast was a huge success just like the night before. Everyone had a great time sharing a meal, socializing, and getting to know one another, as this was the first time that both families were merged into one big family unit. Breakfast went on for a couple of hours before we had to say good bye to our families and kick them out so that Lorraine and I could do some basic housekeeping like laundry and grocery shopping in order to get prepped for tomorrows travel day. So with tears in our eyes we said good bye.

The next few hours were taken up by finishing packing up our campsite and RV, going grocery shopping and doing laundry. At around 4pm both Lorraine and I were hungry, but our laundry was still in the washer, so a little looking around the laundry mat produced a pizza joint that appeared to be a local favorite.


So we ordered a pizza and did take out. Back to the laundry mat we went with our pizza prize to eat it while sitting on the curb of the parking lot. Boy was it delicious or were we just really hungry? Either way it filled the void and kept us entertained until our laundry was finished.

With Laundry done and groceries in the boot of the car back we went to our campsite to finish packing and getting ready for a departure in the morning. At around 6pm my Daughter and Son showed up along with my Ex-Wife Cindy (We are friends now) to bid us good bye and spend a few hours with us in front of a campfire. At around 10pm we all said good bye except for my Son as he was traveling with us tomorrow. We would be dropping my Son off in Vancouver as he was going to spend a few days exploring the city from a hostel in the downtown core. So now it was time to setup the guest bed for him and say good night as tomorrow would come early.

As predicted the morning did come too early and 6:30am was hard to accept when the alarm went off. So up I got and first things first let’s make coffee. With the smell of coffee in the air Lorraine slowly dragged herself out of bed and joined me outside for our last look at this magical place called Rathtrevor. What an incredible 6 days we had here, so much accomplished and so much fun had by all it seemed almost surreal to imagine what just happened here. As we sipped our coffee’s and slowly woke up, both Lorraine and I looked at each other and realized why we were so much in love with each other. Our lives were complete and meshed together, Families merged and friends remembered, it was time to get dressed and move along to our next destination, but that is another story.

Steve & Lorraine | Married
Steve & Lorraine | Married

Happy Trails


The Glampurs