The Passing of Fussa the Camping Cat

Final 1

This weekend was a sad one for both Lorraine and I, not only did we have to deal with a severe Winter storm that dumped over 20 cm of snow on Calgary, it was also the weekend that we reluctantly put down Fussa the camping cat. Fussa had turned 16 yrs old and had stopped eating and drinking for over two weeks and unfortunately was in dire shape. She also had severe labored breathing and was sleeping 24 hrs a day. During the storm we decided to take Fussa to the Vet to only be told that there was very little they could do for her, and that it would be best to put her down as her quality of life had greatly diminished. It was with very sad hearts and a few tears that we agreed with the vet and reluctantly allowed the vet to put Fussa to sleep. Fussa passed comfortably in Lorraine’s arms and I truly believe she was thankful for being allowed to go to the big sleep in the sky. Fussa was truly and amazing cat, stand offish and very independent, but she loved to be cuddled and petted on her terms. Fussa did not initially take to being a camping cat and on her first adventure hid in the RV and howled while we drove down the road; but she soon came to I believe love the traveling lifestyle, and always was happy to be with us as we traveled around the country side. Fussa used to love to sit in front of the screen door on the coach and look out upon the campsite and survey her domain. Not once in her life did she ever run away or venture very far outside of the house or RV.  She truly was an amazing cat and one that provided both Lorraine and I many years of companionship and joy in her never ending humorous ways and adventures in the RV and our house. It is with great remorse that we say good bye to our beloved camping cat, and we wish her an eternity of peaceful sleep and comfy couches in which to lie upon.


RIP Fussa


The Glampurs