The countdown begins. I have been diligently working on the RV and getting through my checklists and counting down the days to our first trip of the season. I now have 12 days till we roll out of Calgary and head to the mountains of K country. 12 days will go quickly but I am happy to say that I am ¾ through my checklists and have only cleaning, packing, and the water system left to deal with. Last night I cleaned and protected the rubber roof and today I will repair the caulking. Today I will also be cleaning and protecting my awning and slide toppers, and then I will take the RV in for a wash. After that, all that will be left to do will all be inside the RV.
Over last weekend I completed a couple of upgrades. My Son came over and helped me install a new door window.

This new window is a tinted see-through window with a built-in pull-down shade for privacy. It is a real nice upgrade that adds to the feel of openness while sitting in the RV.

The other upgrade I accomplished was the installation of two fridge circulation Fans. These fans will help in keeping the fridge cooler and will distribute the cold air more evenly throughout the fridge.

These upgrades were not hard to do, the window required two people to accomplish, and the Fridge fans took some ingenuity, electrical knowledge, and a bit of MacGyvering to get them installed. I must admit that the fans are working better than I expected, but we will see how well they work once the fridge is full; but for now, the fridge is an even 0c from top to bottom.
Finny is still doing well and seems to be still in Remission from his Polyarthritis. As per his Vet’s instruction I am continuing to reduce his medications and I hope to have him off all his meds by the end of June. Then hopefully we will be allowed to walk the dog park once again and interact with other dogs. I think Finny misses playing with other dogs and saying hello as dogs do. Annie is still doing ok but lately he has been slow to move in the mornings. Annie is much more animate during the late afternoons and early evening, the rest of the day he sleeps. I think the time for Annie to enjoy the big sleep is coming soon. I am trying to prepare myself for this day. It is really hard to say goodbye to a friend of 17 ½yrs! Annie has always been there for me over so many years, I will really miss him once it is time to say goodbye.

As you may have heard COVID is running rampant here in Alberta. Per Capita we have the highest numbers in North America…Yeah Alberta! It is very unfortunate that Albertans are having such a hard time adhering to Public Health rules. It is a bit embarrassing to see the Red-neck side of our society taking over and causing such unprecedented spread of this virus, thorough their thoughtlessness and down right defiance. There actions put all of us at risk, including themselves. It is shameful! Luckily, our supply of vaccine is steadily increasing, and our Provincial Government is now opening up inoculations to every Albertan starting on Monday. I luckily will be getting my shot today, as they just opened up my age group earlier this week. I was on a wait list with my pharmacy, and they called me yesterday, and offered me a booking for today. Again, I feel lucky as I will be getting the Pfizer brand of vaccine. Lorraine got the Pfizer vaccine and had no issues with it so I expect I will be the same.
Well with May Long just around the corner Lorraine and I hope that you all will be able to get out and enjoy your RV in our wonderful back yards across this great country. I suspect this will be the busiest May Long to experience in recent memory. Though we often go out of our way to get away from the noise and people of the City we call home. This pandemic has created a desire to congregate with others even if you have to stay 6ft apart. It will be nice to say hello to a fellow camper as I walk Finn in the mornings with my coffee and Baileys and see people and nature in person instead of out of my window at home.
On the camping news front here area few articles that I thought were interesting reads.
RVing Ranked Among Safest Travel Options, According To A New Survey
Average Price of an RV in 2021 (In US Dollars)
Best Class C Floor Plans – I like #3 if I had the Cash!
Happy Trails
The Glampurs