Spring interrupted? Nah I say we need the moisture! Ha! Only in Calgary can you go from +20c to 0 and snow in less than 24hrs. With the past week behind us and all those beautiful temperatures, Sunday brought a shock to all Calgarians with a return to Winter in the form of a heavy snow fall warning. It was very disheartening to wake up Sunday morning and seeing snow all over the ground, after having spent a wonderful day Saturday basking in 20c sunny weather all day. You would think we would get used to it by now, but it never ceases to amaze me how the weather here can change so quickly and so dramatically.
Saturday though was marvelous! Finny and I went to the river, and played stick. He had a fantastic time swimming! You never saw a happier dog! Finny’s tail was wagging from the moment he realized we were taking the trail to the river, and by the time we got to within 100yrds of the river he had had enough. Off he went and with a big sploosh, jumped right in. Finny and I spent a beautiful morning and afternoon on the river playing fetch, Sun blazing, and warmth in the air. By the time the day was over Finny was tired and fell off to sleep the moment his head hit the floor.
For me, Saturday was a time to work on my favorite thing, you guessed it, my Rig. I started early, with the weather being so nice I decided to take the RV cover off last Thursday night instead of waiting for the 23rd. On Friday I put the batteries back in the coach and chassis and got the electrical system up and working. Saturday, was about Oil & Grease. Yes, the dreadful oil change and grease job was on my checklist. The oil change was easy enough, as I had all of the supplies already on hand, it was the grease job that I had issues with. Last year I had the ball joints all replaced as they had worn out for the second time. The shop put in better grease able ball joints that require regular maintenance. No problem right? I have a grease gun. Ha! As it turns out my 50yr old first tool ever grease gun was no match for my high end ball joints. I could not get enough pressure for the grease to enter the joint, no matter how hard I tired. All the grease did was come out the nipple end and glop all over the ground. Sigh... So now what to do…I know, I need a new grease gun eh? So that is what I did. I got online and went to one of my favorite stores Canadian Tire, and sure enough they had a grease gun that would make any DIY’er proud. So with my new 24volt 1000psi electric rechargeable grease gun my ball joints were no match, and the grease flowed into them like icing on a cake. Of course, my wallet is just a little bit poorer for that purchase.
I made my second booking for the season last Friday, it was to St. Mary’s reservoir. I was a little bit worried about this one as I heard it was a popular place. I was pleasantly surprised when it came time to book I had no issues what so ever. I was even able to get my site of choice. So That is now two down and only the trip to the coast and of course plan B to book. The coastal trip is proving to be difficult. I have been looking into private campgrounds but they are also experiencing higher than usual bookings and I have not had any luck in finding spots between Calgary and Tofino yet.
Well these colder temps have put my RV spring wakeup on hold, though Wednesday they are predicting another scorcher day so once work is done and the Finny’s been walked maybe I’ll find myself working on my rig.
Well that is all for now, so here are some pics from over the last few days
Happy Trails
The Glampurs

The rig with it's cover on, that is soon to come off.

As you can see not a lot of space between the house and the RV

Or the Fence

So I use blocks with cord attached to pull up the sides of the cover

I attached the cord to the block and then to the cover and then throw them up on the roof

Once on the roof it is easy to pull up the sides of the cover and fold it up on the roof, by pulling up the cord.

See all done!

Now here is a happy Finny after jumping in the Bow River for the first time this year. His tail never stopped wagging the whole time we were at the river.

Here is where it gets crazy, Finn and I were enjoying 20c sunny weather on a lazy Saturday, and then the very next day this happened....

Wait... What! Snow? WTF! Did we not just have a super spring day yesterday? Oh Sigh...Calgary...You are a confused city sometimes.

The message Lorraine left me in the snow before she went to work.