So much Going on! – July 19, 2019 Update

Final 1

HI Everyone,

Well here we are 9 days from our trip to the West Coast and the start of our wedding travels. Wow! Where has the time gone, I am sure it was only yesterday that I had two months to pull it all together now I have 9 days! Can you say STRESS! Ah.. Its all good and exciting at the same time; but boy have we had a lot on our plate through June and July. Beyond Camping trips and wedding planning, we also went house hunting through the month of June and in less than four weeks we purchased a new house. Why do you ask would we throw moving on top of all that we have going on? Well the answer there is neighbors.

Our problems with our neighbors started about six months ago and it has been all about how to share our shared driveway. Our two house have a large driveway between them and we share the space between the two of us. Well the neighbor decided all of a sudden that he does not like our RV in the Driveway. He said it was taking up to much space and that he was having a hard time parking his trucks in the driveway after coming home from the bar. Well in the first place you should not be driving home from the bar if you have had a few drinks, instead you should walk or take a taxi. Second in my opinion there was ample room for him to park his trucks on his side of the driveway. A difference of opinion I guess.



The real crux of the problem began after coming home from our first trip of the season. Our neighbor while we were away parked his trucks in a long line down the driveway so close to the center line (in my opinion he was over the line) that it made it very difficult to get our RV in the driveway and parked at the back of the house. As I was attempting to park it, I rubbed up against our aluminum window awnings and scratched my RV awning uprights. Well I was mad! It was then that I told Lorraine that I did not want to deal with a childish man and his antics so we were moving!

The next day I started the process of house hunting and Lorraine and I spent three weeks looking and searching for a house that would provide us with our own driveway, and one that would fit our RV. It took a couple of lost offers before we scored a house that fit all of our criteria and could fit the RV nicely next to the house with enough room to open the slides if need be.  We are Happy!



So with a new house on the horizon and a moving day planned for August 31st, we have decided to cut short our honeymoon by 10 days and come back to Calgary on August 15th. That will give us some time to prep and finalize the packing and moving arraignments.  Needless to say life will be very busy over the next month, but most of it will be fun filled wedding stuff and of course a honeymoon at the end of it. So the trip will include obviously a trip to the West coast, followed by a trip to the Okanagan Valley in BC instead of driving up the Crow’s Nest Hwy and back to Alberta. We will spend 3 days in EC Manning park on our way to the Okanagan and then spend 7 days in the Okanagan in a campground across from Kelowna BC on Lake Okanagan. From there it will be a trip home up the Trans-Canada Hwy. A somewhat modified trip but it will still be fun filled never the less.


Westcoast loop return trip

So with all this said I must apologize for my lack of writing as I have been so busy and the house is such a mess right now that writing for the website has been at the bottom of the list. I promise once the move is over and I have reassembled my office, I will once again write and chronicle our adventures over this summer’s season. Stay tuned and have patience with me as I run around for the next month like a crazy person trying to keep everything straight and on track. Look for some new content come the end of September. Thanks for your understanding!



The Glampurs