September Update: Wow we did It!

Final 1

Hi Everyone,

Well the summer has come and gone and Lorraine and I are now Mr. & Mrs. Blecic. Lorraine and I are thrilled to be finally married and starting our new life as a married couple. As one chapter closes another one begins. What a crazy 60 days we have had! It almost seems like yesterday that we were packing the rig and getting ready for our trip to the west coast to get married. Now we are Hanging pictures and winterizing the RV. How 60 days can really change your perspective.

Just to tease, the wedding was a Glampur’s dream come true! We really had a down to earth Glampur wedding of which I will write about and post shortly. The honeymoon was also fantastic and Lorraine and I had a great time traveling to the Okanagan and exploring the area and a new campsite. Of course I will chronicle our adventures and post shortly.


Steve & Lorraine | Married

Upon our arrival back in Calgary we were instantly put into house mode. Meetings with lawyers, signing of documents and of course the all-important possession date. Of course possession time did not happen without some stress, as the lawyers battled out some last minute details that delayed possession by an hour and a half. Both Lorraine and I sat on pins and needles during this time waiting for the ok to release the keys to us and allow us to enter our new home. All in all stressful!

The move went well but it was a very long day! Two hired hands a U-haul truck and Lorraine and I all moving our worldly possessions from a 1300 sq/ft home to a 1000 sq/ft home. Amazingly enough everything fit!  Boxes everywhere! The garage was full as well as the house. It took me 10 days to put it all together and create a comfortable home for Lorraine and I. In the end we have a fabulously little/Big house to enjoy over the next five years. Maybe longer if Lorraine still likes the house in five years.

Every day over the last 60 I have been busy with something, exhausted by the end of the day but happy in my accomplishments. Now it is time to relish the fruits of my labour…Somewhat. There is still lots of work to be done and boxes to unpack and pictures to hang but the worst is over and I have my lovely Bride to help me out.

Again I must apologize for not getting more content posted but it has been really busy and not enough time in a day to accomplish everything on my list. Hopefully by mid-October I should have the first stories from our summer posted for everyone to read. I promise I will do my best to post soon.

Hopefully you all had as fantastic of a summer as we did and you all created new memories to cherish. All in all 2019 has been a good year for camping! No serious problems with the RV and over 3500 miles put on the odometer. Now it is time for some RV downtime before I start planning the 2020 season.

Look for new content soon and until then…


Happy Trails

The Glampurs

Steve & Lorraine | Married