So as we discussed in “A Little Planning can go a long way” the same can be said for your on the road meals. As glampurs one of the most glamping things you can do is feed yourself well. In order to do this, a little planning is required. We tend to create a full menu for all of our trips using a simple menu form (See our Checklist section). this form allows us to specify what we want to eat for each day of the trip and also allows us to create a shopping list from the menu items for each day. This allows us to ensure that we buy just the right amount of food for the trip.
Of course Lorraine does not always follow the menu, and will often create new meals from the ingredients that we purchased based on the menu. Of course we also have leftover nights too, but those are usually near the end of the trip when we may not feel like cooking too much.
We typically create the menu one week before our trip, and then purchase our food and Alcohol a couple of days prior to leaving. This allows the breads and perishables to stay a bit fresher while on the road. When you purchase your food for your trip try to purchase the majority, if not all of the food and alcohol while in the city, and not while on the road. You will find that the cost of groceries is much cheaper in the city versus in the little towns and hamlets you may encounter while on your travels. This little change can save you a lot of money on groceries and alcohol.
Happy Trails
The Glampurs