How Far do you Drive your RV?


So how far do you drive in a day? There are so many variations on a theme here depending on who you talk too or listen too.  We have heard about the 2-2-2 rule or the 3-3-3 rule, which means that you only travel either 200 to 300 miles in a day , stop by 2pm or 3pm and then spend 2 or 3 days in that spot. We like to follow the Canadian rule of course (and yes it is in metric) so we call it the 6-3-3 rule or the 6-15-3, Drive no more than 600km in a day, stop by 3pm (15:00hrs) and spend 3 days in the area that you just travelled too.  We find that this simple rule really helps to make travel days a bit more endurable. 600km to travel in a day though our great country is a reasonable distance to travel. Certainly you can travel that distance, and have a few stops along the way, and still be able to get to your next destination by 3pm. Of course it will depend on your start time on travel day. We usually find ourselves on the road on travel days by about 7:30am. This allows us to get on the road ahead of traffic and be well on our way before it builds for the day. 

Of course this is all very flexible and depends on your particular circumstance. For example when we travel to Vancouver Island we may have to be at the ferry terminal at a certain time and date. The trip to the coast is 908km so we often will over drive our way to Kamloops BC from Calgary, and stop for the night, then move onwards to the Ferry terminal the next day.   

Traveling on the road can be stressful, anything you can do to reduce that stress will help to make the journey a bit easier and more enjoyable. Have snacks and drinks readily available in the RV, and take breaks along the way. We find that every couple of hours we stop and take a break, stretch our legs and let the dog out for his business. Site seeing, even if it is from the side of the road will make the journey a bit more enjoyable. Certainly having a plan on travel day really reduces stress, and helps to manage expectations on the road so that you don't here "RV There Yet?" 


Happy Trails

The Glampurs