Have you ever wondered how much water is too much, when filling your water tank or using the Sani-Flush system on your blank tank? Or how about how much your waste tanks can hold? I know i did, until i found this great little device that measures the water flow and gives you a great digital read out in Gallons or Liters.
I found this on Amazon for $24.99. This little device connects to my hose and then i can monitor how much water is flowing into either my fresh water tank or through my sani-flush system, this way I know when to turn off the water before I over fill my tanks. This device is also handy to verify how much waste your storage tanks can hold. Just attache it to the end of a hose and start filling your tanks until your tank monitor system shows full. Now you know how much waste you can hold in your tanks.
Happy Trails
The Glampurs