RV Maintenance Records – A little knowledge is powerful


As we all know as RV’ers, maintenance is very important to perform on your RV to keep it in tip top shape. So when you’re done the maintenance it is equally important to record what you have done and when you did it, so that cyclical maintenance can be tracked and performed on the right schedule. So how do you do that? Well by using logs of course! Over the years I have created several logs that help me track the maintenance that I do on all of the RV systems on my Class “C: motorhome. You can find these logs in the Glampur Store. These logs help me track when the last schedule maintenance was done on a particular system and they also remind me of future maintenance that needs to be performed. Tracking this information and recording things like serial numbers, model numbers, and manufactures recommended maintenance procedures is very powerful knowledge to have. When you combine it all into a book then you are now at the top of the curve, and this knowledge will allow you to quickly find out what has been done, when it was done, and of course spare part information using the serial and model numbers you recorded. If you want to take this a step further you can search on line for things like manuals and spec sheets for your RV and all of its systems, then add it all to your Maintenance book or binder so that you have a one stop location for all of your RV related maintenance information.

Once all of this information and the log forms have been combined in to a binder then I keep this binder in my RV so that I have it for reference when needed. IT is very powerful to be able to tell a mechanic what has been done and when it was done when they are trying to fix or maintain your RV so that steps are not duplicated.  In the end a little knowledge about your RV is a powerful thing and one that all RV’ers regardless of how long they have been Rv’ing for should look at and definitely record.

Happy Trails

The Glampurs