Viair portable compressor

Viair Portable Air Compressor Kit
Viair Compressor

Awesome! is all I have to say about this compressor. I was a bit skeptical whether or not I would use this compressor. At $400ish dollars for the kit it is a bit expensive; but with all of the talk about tire safety and how it is so important to keep your tires properly inflated I took the plunge and bought the kit.  

Almost immediately upon receiving this compressor from Amazon I started to use it. Every trip day, first thing in the early morning, I would get outside and check my tire pressure. This compressor made filing my tires so very easy. It has great air pressure that won’t let you down and under inflate your tires. The air hoses are extra long and coiled so that you get great distance from them and they return to a coiled state for easy storage. The kit comes with a storage bag, two types of inflators and a analog pressure gauge that serves its purpose. I was able to fill the tires on my toad while it was attached via dolly to my rig. that must of been at least 53ft in length to the back tires of my toad.

This compressor is solidly built and well worth the price I paid to have peace of mind, knowing I can inflate my tires without having to go looking for compressor that has enough oomph to inflate RV tires.

Viair Portable Air Compressor Kit