Hi Everyone,
Post Covid19 - Plan C and another trip to the West Coast, well if nothing else this Covid19 pandemic makes for interesting times. How plans change. Once again We have had to change our plans amidst this pandemic and reevaluate what we are doing for the summer. First off it looks like we are going to go to Campbell River for my Brothers wedding after all. After talking with my brother and giving him the bad news, he began to investigate how we could travel to his property in Campbell River without violating the rules of travel laid out by the British Colombian Provincial Government. After several phone calls, he found out that we can travel but just can't stop anywhere along the route except for gas. No campgrounds will accept us, so this trip will be a Gumball rally to the west coast. I figure it will be an 18 hour road trip in the RV in order to get to my bothers property. All though my reservations for the Ferry trip were cancelled, according to my brother they cannot refuse us passage if we show up as they are an extension of the hwy system. Hopefully he is right as it would be terrible to go all that way to only be told to go home. So once we arrive we will camp on my brothers property for five days and maintain a quarantine sort of, at his place. We will not be taking our toad so we will be confined to his property. Once the wedding is over we will then Gumball rally it back to Calgary. Yuck another 18 hour drive, but its all good as this is my brothers wedding and you only get married twice once eh?
Once we get back from our trip to Campbell River we will then spend the remaining time we have for this summer at Medicine lake (Medicine lake) with friends of ours. We will spend 10 days there so hopefully the weather will be on our side but anything is possible at the end of August and into the first part of September. Weather here in Alberta during that time can be ugly, but it can also be really nice too. As always being next to the Rocky mountains means weather is a bit of a crap shoot; but if it is nice then we will be in a fantastic position to enjoy it as we have our favorite spot on the Lake with lake front property and views.
For the most part our summer trips will all be local, with the exception of the Gumball Rally to the coast. All of our trips are planed so that we go in and then out with no stopping in between, and all of them are in the back country. A couple of new places we will be going to are Ram Falls and Peppers lake. These are two places that are close together but they are in the back country, down a forestry trunk road. So it will be a slow go over gravel roads to get to these two destinations. We will not be able to stay in these locations as long as we would like due to the trip to the coast, so they will be teasers for future trips, but they will allow us to reconnoiter the area and get a feel for what it is like to not only get there but to spend time there.
All in all we managed to book and plan 7 trips this year, which I think is fantastic considering the issues surrounding camping this year. with two of these trips being to Medicine Lake. The remaining trips will be to the following locations:
The 7th trip was our first to Sibball lake, which is located in Kananaskis country. So as you can see with a little bit of last minute planning and a lot scrambling our camping season will be full and rich with new experiences and places to go. Again we feel very lucky to have managed to book these trips and have the means in which to carry them out during this pandemic year. Especially with all of the interest in camping this year and all of the newbies that are hitting the road in either rentals or new RV's either way it is going to be a crowded camping season this year and for years to come. So once again in order to get your campsite it will take a bit of planning on your part and maybe some good luck to get that perfect site.
Lorraine and I wish you all the best of luck with your 2020 camping season, may you enjoy, stay safe and healthy.
Happy Trails
The Glampurs