Our New Awning and a rained out Banff Trip

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At the beginning of the year we splurged on a new awning for the RV. Now it was not all that expensive coming in at $640.00 for a replace and install. Which we felt was very reasonable. Little did we know that this investment would come in very handy during the 2019 camping season.


It is now July and we have 3 trips under our belt and all three trips have had rain. Now it did not rain the entire time we were away on these trips but it did rain enough to dampen our spirits and restrict our activities to mainly indoor RV activities with a couple of hours of clear weather in which to do walk abouts within the campgrounds. Except for our trip to Yoho National park where we got a full day of Cloudy but no rain weather, which allowed us to explore Takkakaw falls; but that is another story.


Our most recent trip to Banff saw us rained out for the entire weekend with only a couple of hours respite from the rain which allowed us to walk around the campground. There was so much rain that it flooded our campsite and Lorraine and I sat perched on our mat with water at our feet. Needless to say this was not a great trip. I suppose with all of the gloomy weather, we did get a moment where we saw an Elk herd passing through the campsite while eating along the way. This heard was made up of Cow’s and yearlings. And we got some spectacular pictures of them serenely going about their business while creating a stir with all the campers.


It was unfortunate that that our weekend was rained out as we had plans to hike Johnston canyon and explore the town of Banff, but the rain made Lorraine and I want to just stay in our campsite and enjoy the comforts of our RV instead of walking around and getting wet. Some of our problem with rain is that we do not have appropriate rain gear, at least not great gear for heavy rain storms. I guess Rain gear will be on the purchase list for next year.


In the end as always no matter what the trip offered we found a way to put a smile on face and enjoy whatever Mother Nature throws at us.

Of course on the day of our departure from Banff the sun came out and the rains disappeared. Sigh.. At least I got a beautiful picture of the mountains before we drove off and headed back to Calgary.


Happy Trails

The Glampurs