Opening Day for Bookings would appear to be opening late this year, Both Alberta and Saskatchewan will be opening up their reservations systems late much to the chagrin of campers everywhere, where as BC hit the start line early.
Alberta's opening day will be on March 17th, 2020 Just under two months from the May long weekend. Not a lot of time to get your bookings in for the first day of camping in Canada. It would appear that Alberta is going to take a page from Parks Canada and set them selves up for a fast moving storm of campers trying to book their sites. My prediction the Alberta web site will crash and bog down from the weight of campers trying to book. I guess time will tell.
Saskatchewan will open their system for bookings on April 15th, 2020, once again not a lot of time in which to book your sites and attempt to reserve your summer adventures. I predict that the Saskatchewan system will also experience slow downs or crashes due to the shear volume of campers trying to book. Now I could be wrong but my experience is that when park services leave campground bookings to the last minute, that problems arise and campers get angry because the system kicks them out with out a booking that they may have had the first go at. Sigh...
British Columbia is already accepting reservations on their site for arrivals four months in advance, they opened their reservation system on Jan 2, 2020. BC also revamped their reservation system so you will have to create a new account if you have not done so already. There are also new rules in place in a attempt to make reservations more fair. See the article listed below.
Regardless of the challenges that Campers have with attempting to book their favorite sites, and no matter how difficult Provincial Parks make the booking experience, we as campers will always make the best of what is given us. Grumble we may, angry at times, but still, camping in Canada is by far the best in the world and we as Canadians Love our parks and the great outdoors that we call our backyard.
Happy trails
The Glampurs