Off season Upgrades – How to make the Winter bearable

Final 1

As you all know winter can be a long cold season, as we all wait for spring to pop into our collective lives and encourage us to start thinking about our rigs and the upcoming camping season. I find if I wait until spring to look at rig upgrades then I am caught in a cycle of to much to do, not enough time to do it in, and no Tech available to do it. So that's why I start to look at upgrades and repairs while the winter sun is still shining. Not only do I find that I can plan my upgrades and repairs, but it is a great way to while away the winter blues by dreaming of the summer ahead.

This year I have been planing for an awning and Propane tank replacement. I have already been in contact with the suppliers that I will use to perform these upgrades and have solicited quotes for the work. Next will be booking the actual repair times so that I hopefully complete these upgrades before the end of April, when the repair season really kicks off and repair shops get really busy.

Another thing I do at this time in the season is to look for my next big upgrade, and source out all of the parts and finalize details. This year I will be looking at adding solar to my rig, because I am tired of hearing my generator run for hours on end. I have been researching this particular upgrade for several months now and have started to purchase all of the components in which to complete this upgrade (See my article in Tech Tips on Solar) . To say that I am excited by this upgrade is an understatement. I think that this upgrade will be a game changer when it comes to charging my batteries at least on sunny days.

I have also been trolling Amazon and a variety of websites I subscribe to looking for the next great upgrade I can't do with out. So far I have identified a few upgrades that excite me and will add functionality to our rig, but those are for the next blog on upgrades, and for the next time I want to spend money on our rig. For now I am happy with purchasing all of the components for our solar upgrade, and waiting for good weather in which to install everything, and test my new toy.

With January almost in the rear view mirror ( 3 days away) February will start to bring better weather (I hope) and give me hope that spring is around the corner. Only 52 days to the first day of spring. I think I can wait that long now.


Happy Trails

The Glampurs