Let’s talk water

Final 1

Let’s talk water. Water is everywhere some of it good and some not so good. There is fresh water, and sea water, but the one thing about water we all need it to survive. So, is it any surprise that water is important to RVing? Not at all. The beauty of RV’s is that they can bring their own water, and store it safely, providing you follow some common sense steps and you have the right equipment. Now all RV’s have water tanks that are separate from the waste water holding tanks. Looking after your fresh water tank is not hard but there are few things that will make your fresh water taste so much cleaner.

Sanitize! Yes, sanitize your fresh water tank, it’s important to do this important maintenance routine at least twice a season to keep your tanks fresh and free of pathogens. How do you sanitize, see my previous blog on Spring is Here! Sanitizing is easy, but it takes time. It will be worth it though, to have a clean water system pumping nice clean water. Another thing to look at is filtration. Now here you can spend some serious dough. Filtration systems can run several hundreds of dollars depending on the type of system you purchase, and how much filtration you want. Here in Canada we are very lucky that we have clean water with little sediment, and here in Alberta and BC we have fresh mountain glacier fed rivers that provide us our water supply. So filtration is not a big issue, but still it is always best to filter the water that you put into your RV’s fresh water tank to keep sediment and other potential nasties out of your tank. I use the Camco EVO Fresh water filter. This is a great mid-range filter, that filters down to 5 microns, and has replaceable cartridges that won’t break the bank. The other thing I liked about this filter, it fit into my wet bay! It is a compact design and hangs vertically, just be sure to search out the mounting bracket if you intend to hang it. So that covers my city water, but what about when your filling the tank?  Well, I again I use the Camco EVO Fresh water filter and place it in a Plastic filter stand. This works well for filling my fresh water tank without slowing the fill down terribly. Just to be clear I carry two of the Evo water filters, as the one in my wet bay is permanently mounted.

So now that you have the water that is coming into your RV filtered and sanitized, now it time to get a few accessories for your water system. Here are a couple of items that you should just get without question


There you have it, all you need to know and get for your RV fresh water system. Clean water drives us and without it we can’t survive beyond a few days, so it behooves you to keep your RV water system in tip top shape; because everyone loves a fresh glass of water, and getting it from your RV is just sweeter.


Happy Trails,

The Glampurs


My Evo mounted in my wet bay.