It’s about time – New content

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Hi Everyone,

It's about time  I have new content. Well life has settled a bit since the end of the summer. Lorraine and I are nicely settled into our new home and we now have pictures and art work on the walls, and nearly all of our boxes unpacked and put away. Wow! what a busy few months! Now it's time to get the old house ready for sale. That will be at least a good month of renovations, as we have roofing, plumbing, painting, and possibly a new furnace to install in order to get the old house ready for sale. at the moment I have a bit of a respite in my schedule so I have been busy creating content for all of you to read. The first article i have posted in the gallery is "A Glampur's Wedding" this is a recounting of our wedding trip from my point of view. I must of hit the mark on this article because as Lorraine was editing it, it brought tears to her eyes. I have also posted A Glampurs Wedding  - The Video here so if you're so inclined you can see the whole wedding unfold for yourself.


There will be other articles posted shortly detailing our trips to Banff and Yoho National Parks, along with stories about our honeymoon and the stops along the way. So look for those to be posted over the next couple of weeks. I will do my best to keep the content coming but In November I will be studying for an exam so once again I will be busy with life and the blog will have to wait. Once December arrives I will offer up my advice and experience in booking for the upcoming 2020 camping season that will see us travel in to a new province. Saskatchewan will be our next destination for 2020. There are several parks that I have scoped out that look interesting enough to travel to and check out. So stand by for what should be a great and exciting 2020 season.

If you have not done so already it is time to winterize again, and I will have a short article to publish that will explain all of the details I follow in order to winterize our rig. You may wish to revisit a past article I wrote on winterizing. you can find it here: Winterizing the RV

Well that is all for now and I wish you all a great off season or if you are a snowbird safe travels to your southern home.


Happy Trails


The Glampurs