Camping Season is here – Finally

Final 1

It has been a long wait but our 2019 camping season has finally started. On June 4th, 2019 we headed off for a return visit to Medicine lake Alberta. This beautiful spot is a favorite of ours and we have now visited this location 6 times in the past four years. Unfortunately this time Mother Nature did not cooperate with the weather and for the five days we were there it rained every day. Now the rain did not last all day most days, but came in as rolling showers except for the Friday where it rained all day. Though it was a bit of a disappointment Lorraine and I still had fun and enjoyed once again our home away from home. We are in the second year of owning our new to us RV and we still really enjoy the comforts and space that our Fleetwood Jamboree GT gives us. On a positive note I was able to test out my solar system during a few hours of sunshine and to my surprise it all worked as expected and the panels provided over 9 amps of charge. I thought for a day with partial cloud that this was pretty good. The battery monitor also worked as expected providing me with a percentage of charge and discharge as well as amp hours of charge from the Solar and generator systems. This new system really gives me some insight into my battery and charging systems now. Can you say excited!?



On Our Final Night at Medicine Lake Mother Nature gave us a spectacular display of colour during a brief 30 min sunset. Take a look!


Tomorrow we will be off on our second trip of the year to Yoho National Park. This park is just inside the BC boarder near Field BC. Field is the place that Lorraine and I will obtain our marriage license. Unfortunately the weather forecast for the area is Snow, Rain, and slush. So I ask where summer is.   Regardless Lorraine and I will have as much fun as we can in the inclement weather, and we still are planning on visiting Takkakaw falls and the Burgess shale fossil deposits.

After the Yoho Visit it will be off to Banff for a weekend and a hike up Johnston falls. This is a popular and beautiful hike where at the end you will discover not only beautiful waterfalls along the hike but Ink pots with multi coloured water in them at the end of the hike. So worth the effort to see Mother Natures paints.

After Banff we will then have 20 days until we head to the west coast for our wedding. Wow where does time go.

Happy Trails 

The Glampurs