Camping Season Cancelled? Never...? Wow all because of a virus! 19 days ago i was lauding the start of booking season and getting ready for spring. How life can change in a blink of an eye. Has the Coronavirus impacted your life yet? Here in Calgary we are just starting our climb into pandemic. Currently we have over 100 cases and growing. The city is almost on a complete lock down, many businesses have closed and others have sent their workers home to attempt to work from home and keep productive. Over all Covid19 has seriously disrupted life here in Calgary. It is very surreal and feels like the apocalypse. Stores and roads are empty as everyone stays home. Who would have thought just a couple of months even weeks ago that something like this would or could happen? How the world has changed in a very short time. All you can do now is stay home, stay safe and Healthy.
To add more bad news on top of what we all ready have to deal with, it appears that Camping season may be cancelled for 2020. Many campgrounds and parks in the US have closed due to the viral outbreak, and Canadian campgrounds are just preparing to open, but may be closed before we even get to May long (the official start of Camping season in Canada). Several Provincial governments are cautioning that camping season may be cancelled or delayed based on how the Outbreak behaves and were the number of infections is before they open camping season. So far, I am still able to book but I guess whether we will get to go will depend on the Coronavirus.
Experts have been hypothesizing that the virus may abate once the warmer weather shows up, but that is iffy, or if it does then we may have a second wave hit us in the fall. So maybe if were lucky we may be able to head out and go camping if even for a shortened season. Unfortunately, we are weeks away from such a decision and by then we may be in full blown pandemic. Sigh… We even cancelled spring skiing season this week. Too bad because there was epic amount of snow this year in the mountains. Spring skiing season would have been amazing!
Well here is breaking news. I just got an email from Parks Canada stating that they are closing all parks, attractions, and historical sites across the country to at least April 30th, 2020. A decision on reopening will be made sometime in the future. They are refunding all reservations up to April 30th and may refund more depending on when they reopen. This is unprecedented!
We live in very different times now, and who knows how long this will go on for, but one thing is for sure we will get through all of this! Though we don’t see it yet and all the doomsayers state that this is it, but I believe this is just a bump in the road and though we all must be careful and practice social distancing and increased hygiene This virus will pass and with hope become like the Flu where every year you get a shot.
Stay safe and healthy