Alberta Campdown is on!

The Alberta Campdown is on! Yesterday the Provincial Government made it official and announced the date that individual campsites can be booked. March 17th is the day that bookings will open. This is a month later than last year for some reason, I am sure it has to do with cut backs; alas Alberta is […]... Read More

Time to Dream…

Are you tired of winter? Have you begun to dream? I know that I am; yes my mind lately has been drifting in and out of summer mode. I think it is understandable as Calgary has been in the grasp of an exceptionally long Chinook which has seen temperatures soar in to the single digits […]... Read More

Way to go Parks Canada!

  So did you try to book your campsite in Banff today? Well what a S**t Show! Once again Parks Canada showed how inept they are when it comes to booking their campsites. There were many complaints today on Social media ranging for screens freezing to being kicked out at the payment stage and having […]... Read More