Burr..It’s Cold out there!

Burr..It’s Cold out there eh? With temps hovering around -27c today Can you say hibernate? Apparently, it is going to get even colder over the next couple of days, with temps dropping down into the -30c’s Crazy! Even our dogs do not want to go outside! I don’t know about you, but this cold weather […]... Read More

Are you Planning your summer yet?

Are you Planning your summer yet? January is my time to start planning for the upcoming camping season. I believe that the 2021 season will be very similar to the 2020 season, in that camping will be restricted to local residents within each Province. So, we are planning to stay within Alberta this year and […]... Read More

Keep Calm and Camp on!

Keep Calm and Camp on seems to be the catch phrase for this year’s camping season. It certainly was the way of the campground at Medicine Lake while we were there. We were there for a full 9 days and during that time we found fellow campers were calm and taking things in stride, as […]... Read More

Camping during Covid19 with a new Dog

HI Everyone, Camping during Covid19 with a new Dog is certainly different and tiring. We are now two trips in and have found that the first trip was the better of the two, in the sense of practicing social distancing. Our first trip to Sibball lake was the best in terms of distancing, every second […]... Read More