9 days…But who’s Counting…I am

Final 1

9 days...But who’s Counting…I am. Well the countdown is on and we are at 9 days and counting. The RV is now fixed and the cost to redo the front end was not as high as first estimated. In fact the bill came in at $600 under the estimate price. The reason for the drop was due to my bitching about the previous Ball joints and how they should not have failed so quickly. Kal Tire agreed and though the warranty had expired they cut me a deal on the labour, which I thought was very nice of them. All in all I spent $4500.00 Ouch! It was a bit expensive and a repair bill that I had only budgeted half for, but in the end I am happy with how the RV handles now, so it was all worth it in the end.

With the RV fixed up now my attention is turning to packing the RV and finishing up all of the little tasks associated with preparing for a big trip. Though the trip to the coast is only 6 days we are first going on a three day trip, followed by a 6 day trip and then finally a 10 day trip.  All trips have a one day turn over time in between trips, so it will be busy on the turnaround days. Since we will have everything already packed in the RV it should only be laundry, food, Fuel, and a quick cleanup of the RV before we will be ready for the next leg of the journey.

I love long trips but the work to get ready can be overwhelming, I guess that is some of the appeal as I have to plan and be organized which is something I somewhat enjoy, in a self-masochistic kind of way. Certainly as I go through my checklists I get excited as the day draws closer to Travel day. Lorraine does not look forward to travel days as she gets all stressed out by all of the traffic around the RV as we drive. Sitting in the wingman’s seat is like strapping her to an electric chair. I can mitigate her issues if I travel early in the day or take the back roads where there is less traffic, but in the end she still gets all worked up. This trip down though I will have my Son in the wingman’s seat so Lorraine will be at the back of the bus where she can relax and read her books, and play with the dogs. As Hwy 1 (the Trans Canada) to the coast is not for the faint of heart! Truckers use this road as their personal speed way and it can get pretty scary at times as the road narrows down to just two lanes in spots. Not to mention the Coquihalla Hwy (BC Hwy 5) where steep has a new meaning, especially on the down slope into Hope BC. It can get pretty scary when all of a sudden you are boxed in by three semis who decided to play with you that day. Don’t laugh it has happened to me to many times to bitch about.

Of course there is Work where I am frantically attempting to complete all of the projects that are on my plate before I leave for vacation. That is always fun as I get a bit stressed with all of the work I must complete. Of course the past few weeks have seen me overloaded with projects so trying to complete them all means more extra time that I have to put in. Sigh… In the end if I don’t get it all done it will be waiting for me upon my return. Yeah L

The upcoming weekend will be my last weekend before we trip out, so it will be very busy completing all of my checklists and checking everything with the RV to ensure we are in tip top shape. There is nothing worse than having a break down or something not working in the RV but not finding this out until you are at the campground. Not that I could not fix something (providing I have the parts) but it is the time needed to fix something when I could be relaxing instead.

Well that is about it for this countdown update.


Till next time,


Happy Trails


The Glampurs